Special Educational Needs (SEND) and Disability Register.
What does it mean if my child is on the SEND register? It means they are receiving support in school that is additional to and different from other pupils of the same age. Once on the SEND register, pupils receive support which is best matched to their needs. This ensures that the appropriate support is put in place in order for your child to make progress and meet their planned outcomes/ targets.
How will I know if my child is on the SEND register?
You will have had communication from your child’s class teacher or SENDCO informing you that your child is on the SEND register. We will always work in collaboration with parents to ensure they are happy with all decisions made regarding the education of their child.
Why has my child been selected to go on the SEND register?
Class teachers, support staff and SLT work together to assess pupils regularly and if it is felt that a pupil is not making expected progress, or they are unable to access an age-appropriate curriculum, or if outside agencies are supporting, pupils may enter onto the SEND register or continue to be monitored closely.
How long will my child be on the SEND register?
Pupils will only be on the SEND register for as long as is necessary and whilst they are receiving additional support. The SEND register is reviewed regularly by the SENDCO and any changes will be communicated to parents.
How will my child be supported?
Your child will be supported in school through a four-part process known as the graduated response made up of a cycle of assess, plan, do and review.
Assess – teachers and parents (in some cases drawing on the support of other professionals) will help assess the individual needs of the child and identify specific barriers to learning.
Plan – an individual learning plan will be drawn up identifying targets to help support your child. This will include specific short-term targets along with provision and support needed to help your child make progress towards their targets.
Do – the class teacher will be responsible for ensuring that the provision and support is in place. Your child may also receive additional support or intervention in school, including those delivered by other adults.
Review – The teacher will review your child’s plan and identify the next steps to support your child.